Friday, March 29, 2013

Definitions are tough

Well... Met up with Halah. We got to plan out what we were going to do as far as activism on certain causes. Apparently I have signed myself up for a lot of press releases and interviews, for free! But, for causes I am quite passionate about.

And, um, lots of awesome sex. And brunch. Which he says, according to White Person Law, makes us "in a relationship". He finally saw where I live, which never happened before! And I got to have sex in my new place for the first time. DID NOT see that coming.

It really goes to show that putting those definitions in the sidebar of who everyone is is actually a very plastic association. Basically I change them all the time. Maybe I should come up with some other way to define people, but it would make less sense in terms of the story.

Halah hands down wins over Elijah, I've decided. In every way except the sex. Halah is even a character in my novel. I specifically wrote him in because I was inspired by him.

Top 5 for sex ever:

1.) Ezekiel (you asshole!)
2.) Elijah
3.) Uriah (I would almost actually put him at a tie for 2nd)
4.) Cyrus
5.) Dylan Wade (that is literally his porn name)

Well great. They say it gets better with age, as three of those are within the past year and a half. Yeay City of Roses, too. And thanks to the Portland freak factor! Which brings me to...

Top 5 Threesums ever:

1.) Ezekiel/Amariah
2.) Elijah/Ahijah
3.) Elijah/Uriah
4.) Elijah/Jezebel
5.) Heaters/guy from Pita Pit

#5 is going down as Epic. We just ordered a pita to see who would come for delivery and it was some hot, hot guy, although all I remember now specifically is his shirt. That was in college like 9 years ago already.
There are a lot of other good ones that I should note. But I have so much work to do that I'm ignoring right now.

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