Wednesday, March 13, 2013

From my Livejournal, September 28, 2001

I filled out this survey like 11.5 years ago, and it explains so much!

Thom would be proud of my choosing Phish in my bands.

♥♥Self Love♥♥

<zOMG I have writer's block so bad>


1. What's your philosophy on life? 

I have a different philosophy for every situation, I think the all-encompassing would be "Live and Let Live"

2. You get to hang out with any 3 characters from any 3 movies. Who would these characters be?

Brad Pitt/Ed Norton from Fight Club
All those guys on the boat in White Squall
Cary Elwes and the gang from Princess Bride

3. Do you think we'll do better than the hippies did?

What the hell are you talking about?

4. If you could only listen to five bands for the rest of your life, what would they be?

Heated tie between Greatful Dead and Bob Dylan
Dave Matthews Band
Weezer and Better Than Ezra (another heated tie)
Bob Marley

5. Would you rather be a paranoid schizophrenic who thought The Corporation Association of Mind Control was coming for you, or be a member of The Corporation Association of Mind Control?

Obviously a member of "The Association"--I'd rather be in the inner circle

6. Was Forrest Gump retarded?

No, he knew different things than the rest of us, but this is a STUPID question anyways; why not ask "Was he normal?" It means about the same thing.

7. Do you listen to Kid A when you're not on drugs?

How could you listen to Kid A when you're not on drugs? That would get funky.

8. Is it cool to mock being cool in a cynically hip way?

Do I look like I care?

9. Did you understand Naked Lunch?

On drugs: Yes. Normally: No.

10. Why don't you get off the computer and get a life? Seriously, what's up with that?

I apparently have more of a life than the person who invented this survey...

11. What is your ideal meal?

Sushi, vegetarian of course.

12. Are you for real?

Come find out.

13. Are members of subcultures that consist of more than one person "sheep"?

I don't think so...

14. Was there ever a time that you defined yourself by the music you listened to?

I listen to what I like, no matter what it is, if it's good, put it on.

15. Why are 7th grade girls so fucking HOT?

Who the hell made this shit up? The same people that are counting the days til the Olson Twins are legal?

16. Are you a terrorist? 

No, terror isn't a good thing, I highly object to this question.

17. You get to hang out with any three characters from any three books. Who would these characters be?

Kassandra from The Firebrand
Joan of Arc from An Army of Angels
Morgaine le Fay from Mists of Avalon

18. What song describes your current life situation?

Stairway to Heaven

19. What life describes your current song situation?

I feel optimistic about things, but at the same time I feel like I don't know exactly where I'm going or how to get there.

20. Do you wanna come to my party?

Will there be boys there?

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