Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 17 Sans Alcohol

Some things I have learned recently:

1.) The triad is making me a better communicator.

2.) I need to seize control of my own destiny.

3.) Not drinking feels great.

4.) I think Portland's polyamory explosion is a survival instinct due to the Recession.  No joke.  It's a liberal way to group together closely with other people, since children (and adults) with pooled love and resources within the Village have better chances of survival.

5.) Exercising feels great.  Something is snapping in my spirit a little and I am feeling more active and clear-headed.  It's a good combination of things, I think.

6.) I definitely need to get more work done or I am going to have money problems, and soon.  However, I did get approved for food stamps today and that is a huge help.

7.) Writing is my first real career, I realized the other day.  I was visiting my sister Sole and it gave me joy of sorts to say that I have a career.  Granted, at 29 it's a little late in the game... But not too late; I'm a late bloomer, but I haven't missed the boat.  PHEW.

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