Halah ditched me at Hannah's 30th Birthday party, and then I went to his house many hours later only to be kicked out and have to bike an hour back to my house in the pouring rain at 3 in the morning. Ever since then, I was done with him on a physical basis, but through text and Facebook mostly, we kept the emotional relationship alive. He came to the airport via MAX to pick me up when I got back to the City of Roses (against my wishes, as I gladly would've stayed forever in the desert), but we didn't have sex and it didn't end well. He helped me buy a new bike and blackmailed me for brunch, then I didn't see him until New Year, which was great, and then my birthday, which he epically failed at in terms of making a good impression with my friends and family. Ultimately, we still loved each other but we were never able to put back together what was lost. Saturday he texted (!) me that it didn't work out and I need to move on. Prior to that it was already so broken, it didn't even matter, but I wanted to try a final attempt at communicating with him because he indicated he still wanted me in his life. I'm getting over being sad about it and more into being relieved. I need a counter... 3 days since I've contacted him... Good for me letting go.
So I've been single since November 17. But it's taken me 2 months to get over Halah (and Gaius, to some extent) and really feel single. Yeay!
Adventures of Single Raine:
- Actually got laid for the first time as a 30-year-old with a friend of Ahijah and Jezebel's about a week ago. Other than him, who I regret to say I wasn't totally interested in (too much older than me and not intriguing enough), it's been quite a dry 30 spell.
- A few days before that, the four of us came to my new digs and had a four-sum, although I didn't actually get any sex at that time.
- Finally met up with a hot Asian boi I knew since college. Turns out he's dying to double team a girl. Well, I like this idea :) Not sure where that's going to go, but we'll see.
- Talked to Amariah on the phone! I still love him. I always will. He's the love of my life, and I'm starting to think I really should end up with him. Until I get past that... There's little hope for anyone else. Which is why I've put together exactly nothing longer than 4 months in the past 3 years.
- The other guy that I was kind of seeing, who is now 25, I haven't seen in over a month as well, and I hardly care. I had loose-knit plans with him Saturday night that I didn't firm up and he never firmed them up with me. Yes, I could have fucked him again but we have no chemistry and I don't care. The best thing for him is to be on my 55-year-old friend's "Dream Team": She's had this fantasy her whole life that wants to get double teamed by two beautiful men who will at least make "eye contact". Since the 25 year old is into that and they've hit it off, I feel I've done my duty there.
- I met up with a guy who ended up somewhat platonically sleeping over who is 20! That said, he knows I'm 30 but doesn't care. And I am really attracted to him...
- Been hanging out with my homies, including Thom, Jerusha, Jezebel, and the Isaiah crew. Super fun!
Stay tuned, as this ride is about to go wild.
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