Monday, January 28, 2013

Erotic Encounters, The Intro

Long ago now, almost half my life ago, I had my first kiss. That was at the tender age of 16. After that, I kept a meticulous record of everyone I ever kissed or did anything more with. It remained meticulous up until college, when alcohol made things a little murkier. Finally, about a year ago, I abandoned the full list, since there were just too many to remember anymore and I wasn't being steadfast in it anyway. The list topped out at over 200.

The list is now in a journal in storage, so all I have is memory.

Women were of course on the Kiss List as well, but after I abandoned the list, I didn't particularly count them as sexual partners. After having talked it out with others privy to the question, it's come to light that I should count women because I'm bi. But, unlike my male sexual partners, I can't remember them all specifically and I don't have the list. So, the females that I've been sexual with are for a separate section. I would say I'm a Kinsey 2, so most are men anyway, but this is not to diminish the amazing women who have been a part of my life in a sexual way as well.

Some of my sexual conquests that haven't appeared in this blog have 'names', if you will. These are from my old, mostly friends-only LiveJournal, which was in action beginning at age 17. I'm going to keep those names. If someone who was never 'named' ends up mattering throughout the story, then I'll give them a name according to the theme in which others were named around that time period. (Bonus: Can you guess what this blog's theme is? Some people, you may notice, don't fit that theme and that's because they had names prior to Sex in the City of Roses.) Annoyingly, some people with the best names, such as Jesus and Moses, I never did have sex with, although those particular two were the basis of a short story that is simply spectacular. But, I digress.

The Erotic Encounters series will start with Partner 1 and be broken up over many posts. I will do my very best to get the order right. If you want to read them in ascending order, they will all be filed under the label "Erotic Encounters".

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