Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Good Week with a Grain of Melancholia

Although it's only Tuesday, already great things are happening.

A friend referred me for a contract writing job with a local firm, although I met with the boss today and it went so well that I was offered a staff position!!  So much for my travel plans, but getting a staff position has been my dream even more than that.  My future boss was so impressed with how much I knew and how many work samples I have, and it felt so amazing to finally be validated for all the knowledge and experience that I have been gaining by constantly writing freelance for low pay.  It really is valuable!  Hallelujah.

After biking home, I found an email from the freelance job I currently work telling me I got a credited job writing an E-book.

Things are coming together.  But I still have knots in my stomach.

I'm a beautiful and amazing person, not the awful bitch Elijah made me out to be in front of everyone.  He made it sound as though I was some terrible, lost soul who would never make it in life.

I deserve to be missed.  I'm glad he's happier without me, but it makes me feel bad, too, that he doesn't miss me.  It feels as though I just lose.  I guess it's a chance you always take on love... Losing it, that is.

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