Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

Been feeling blue all morning, despite the sunshine.  I was thinking as I walked back from yoga this a.m. (a 75-min version of Bikram this time– thank God), that ppl keep asking me and I keep wondering exactly what I am doing living in a trailer/ room in a sexual healing center with 6 other ppl.

The answer was, I don't know.

But the more I think about it, the more I realize this is the best offer I had going at the time, and I was very reluctant to take it.

I keep telling myself that this is temporary.  Even last night I felt strangely as I had to stay downstairs while Elijah had a 3-sum w some ppl I had no interest in.  Yet after yoga this morning, he wanted to clean and put all my things away and hang all my clothes up and move another car load from Zeruah's house.  It seems so horribly... permanent.

And moving out of somewhere always leaves me with that "unfinished business" feeling.

I hate moving.

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