Friday, August 24, 2012

Summer Wane

The air is cool despite there being no clouds. I am viewing it from the third floor of the Central Library, as I am wont to do. The summer is waning into that dreaded season called Fall, called so perhaps because of the let-down it feels like.

I wish I could escape this inevitability. My mind races to Hawaii, Thailand, San Diego... Anywhere warmer, where the days don't get as short and where I can still sit on this painted laptop and write in the sunshine.

Maybe I can lose a few pounds and find a boyfriend that's doing something with his life, too.

So much has happened since I last wrote 2 months ago. Literally days after writing before, I got involved in a love affair with a one Cyrus. It has been fun. We de facto live together in a room across the street where ironically my office was. The irony being that the office decided to put me back on freelance literally not even a week after I moved in across the street, so after biking all over greater Portland for three months, I finally got a convenient, inexpensive, and pretty awesome place only to not really need it there.

Having my own place again is bittersweet, seeing as I had to share it with Cyrus from the get-go. Why? Because Cyrus, just like Elijah and Voldamort before him, is essentially homeless. (Jezebel & I call Elijah "Voldamort" in real-life, making the whole thing funnier, but I think that's what I was calling the dude before him in this blog, if I do remember correctly...) So much for me not dating losers. I like Cyrus and it's OK for now, but alas. He is a pain in my ass and somehow I feel responsible for him, seeing as right now if I turned him out he would be sleeping in his fucking truck.

We had our first 3-sum the other day with Tamara, though, so that's cool. Maybe we can turn this into a poly relationship and then I don't have to feel like I'm passing up other opportunities for him. I do like him a lot, and when he isn't being hypersensitive he can be fun to be around. He also has interesting stories, and he is really kind and considerate a lot of the time, though I think a follower and quite pretentious. And really dopey.

OK, OK, and he has a big dick, and the night we first hooked up it was right after a hot naked guy was giving him a blow job as Cyrus played the Human Dessert Tray. Apparently that night he got about 12 blow jobs from 12 different people.

See, so many good stories going to waste by not being written here. But it's summer! And I've been busy! And I'm trying to plot my vacay!

Onward to San Diego for a few days next week, followed by catching Burning Man over the weekend and then back to Portland for a stint to pack and prepare for my trip to Hawaii.

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