Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Plot Thickens

This past weekend: Las Vegas!

Went Abidan, another friend from dance (who also got me this job) and ended up meeting up with Jezebel and Ahijah for an epic adventure; including two private pool parties with DJs, bunches of molly, magic brownies, flasks, dancing until the wee hours Friday and Saturday night, wandering around, a little shopping, and some beautiful restaurants.  Oh, and seeing Zumanity Cirque du Solais.  I got away without gambling, though.  I was super done-in after the weekend, and Abidan actually left early on Sunday because he was feeling not so well.  Jezebel and Ahijah were super fun party animals, though I think Abidan would have liked to have gone hiking and enjoyed a quiet night of drawing, wine, and conversation at Red Rocks instead of the constant "go-go-GO!".

I also got a shiner somehow.  Haha.  I really did fall, I think at the club, and at the time I was like, Oh shit I'm gonna have a black eye.  Still, a great time overall.

I didn't get nearly enough work done though.  In fact, I got nothing done, including school, which was bad.  Considering especially that I am paying for school myself at this point; none of that costly financial aid anymore now that I have a job.  I also didn't get nearly enough work done and was late getting a writing assignment to a freelance client.  So you might say, I would have done well to have had a quieter time with Abidan as well.  I have been spending all week playing catch-up.

Catch-up applies to my psyche, as well.  I was dog-tired on Monday and had to be at the office by 9 a.m., and my office is an hour away from Eve's house by bike and bus.  I got a little dehydrated in Vegas from the constant drinking and intense sun, to the point where I was looking forward to the cool air of Portland by the time I got back.  But I have been tired and still having to deal with my intense social life in addition to working a lot.

I thought I would be toning it down with the social life, I really did.  I have fuck tons of work to do, and have started with Bikram again, this time way out on Fremont street.  Hence part of the reason I am out on Alberta right now.

More on everything later.  First, though, a character that has been around for a while is about to get a name bc I am getting really into him: Jedidiah.  I'm hoping he becomes more of a main character, so I'm giving him a prominent name... I don't want to jinx it, but I've been getting a little obsessive about him.

Tuesday night, I hung out with Thom before Thom left for Phish tour, and that was super fun.  I had wanted to just go to yoga and go home, but I felt obligated to hang w him since I went several months without doing so.  I'm happy he's in my life again, and he certainly is chilled out compared to when we first arrived in this city.  He's actually getting laid now too, so the chill magic of Portland has infected him, it seems.  Perhaps he will not move back so soon... He's into some projects and has a job and has made several awesome close friends.

Right after yoga, as I was biking to meet Thom, Jedidiah texted me asking me when I was coming by to be cast.  So, I had planned to see Zeruah, but that was farther away and I actually passed Jed's house on the way to meet Thom.  So Thom encouraged me to go for it and dropped me off at Jed's place on his way to the airport.  Basically, it was a super erotic night with him throwing all kinds of wood while massaging my breasts with olive oil and making artistically-posed plaster casts of my torso.  Yet it all  ended with us sleeping next to each other naked except for my panties ONLY and not having sex.  OMG.  I literally awoke in the middle of the night and wanted to ask him why he wasn't fucking me, but I didn't.  He's super hot, BTW.  Tall and muscular; one day when I came over to do some art w him and his friends, he was sporting nothing but a kilt and a six pack.  I have had the ominous feeling for a while that we would have gratuitous monkey sex constantly some day... That day being not arrived yet, sadly.  Dammit!

Jezebel and Ahijah think it will, though.  I just don't fucking know.  What if he really doesn't like me?  What if I was being too passive? Grr.

OK, enough for now.

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