Thursday, September 20, 2012

Capricorn– Greedy Emo

Instant noodles with added stuff
Instant noodles with added stuff (Photo credit: Annie Mole)

Tummy… hurts…

Consumables today: Butternut squash soup with loads of cayenne and chili powder, microwave popcorn, and coconut oil; no-sugar energy drink; Top Ramen oriental flavor again with loads of spice; two shots of Maker’s Mark; another Top Ramen chicken flavor with loads of spice, sesame seeds, and seaweed flakes; and honey BBQ Kettle chips and honey wheat pretzels with a mix of EZ Cheez and Sarracha.

STRAIGHT DEBAUCHERY. This is totally what I get for being totally 100% broke and not having any food stamps left. Just have to raid the house and the change purse again.

Welp, at least I’m not actually going totally hungry yet. Fuck this starving artist thing though. Damn it all to fucking HELL, as my friend used to say. I sit and type out bullshit for a living and try to figure out how to get better shit on my resume while doing so and in the meantime just networking like a mofo.

I’m watching Merlin with Jerusha’s son here at her place while she is out with the new man. Unfortunately, I know a few things that more than strongly indicate that their liaison is not going to last, but a girl can hold out hope for them still though. I think there is much more to that story than meets the eye, and I (along with all our other friends!) REALLY hope it works out.

Too much fun has spoilt me a bit. I am over being mad about Jezebel, but as time goes on I end up disliking Cyrus more and more. I especially resent that I stayed with him so long after I turned out to not be that into him. My friends are definitely behind me that I did not make some huge mistake on this matter. Anyway, he truly is not a bad person, he just wasn’t right for me. I don’t know why I continually have to justify that to people.

I am glad to be single. I am getting work done. I want to be one of the ones in my friend group to buy the next round of Prusecco and the eight ball by next summer! 

I am going to keep my cheap apartment in Portland and look at getting a rental in Hawaii over the summer. One of the issues I have is, Should I go get my shiz from Vermont first? That seems like such a pain in the ass though, but I need to do it before the doing is no longer (aka my stuff either gets tossed or rots). Can you all just pay me already? My life is soul-crushingly difficult sometimes.

But, when I look even at this journal, it’s all First World problems. I don’t have it so bad. Not really.

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